Rule #1: Cache
Field | Operator | Value |
Hostname | equals | |
AND | ||
Cookie | does not contain | wordpress_logged_in |
Expression preview: ( eq “” and not http.cookie contains “wordpress_logged_in”)
Cache eligibility: Eligible for cache
Edge TTL: Use cache-control header if present, use default Cloudflare caching behavior if not
Browser TTL: Override origin and use this TTL – 1 day
Sort query string: Yes
Serve stale content while revalidating: Yes
Use strong ETag headers: Yes
Rule #2: Admin No Cache
Field | Operator | Value |
URI Path | starts with | /wp-admin/ |
OR | ||
Cookie | contains | wordpress_logged_in |
Expression preview: (starts_with(http.request.uri.path, “/wp-admin/”)) or (http.cookie contains “wordpress_logged_in”)
Cache eligibility: Bypass cache